
Showing posts from April, 2018

Phillip Riggs' Four Success Tips

1.| Work Hard | 2.| Follow your passions.Do things you are interested in doing. | 3.| Don't chase after money.| 4.| Serve others.Do good things for others, and good things will some to you.| _____________________________________________ These tips are suppose to help live a successful life. And i think he said the right things too, he talked about things that will make you a better person. An example of this is when your in school you work hard and you try to work toward something you know you want to do. Doing something you don't want to do is not okay. you have to work hard for what YOU want, not for what someone else wants. Because in the end your doing this thing not someone else. Another thing he said is don't chase money which is also true, because if your only doing something for money, it isn't going to last long. You have to do something that doesn't feel like a job, something that makes you happy. And also he said to do good things, which is very


1.   What are several of the major challenges teens deal with today? Teens deal with a lot problems online, there is also a problem with suicide and depression.   2.   What are one or two major challenges YOU are dealing with today? What are you doing about them? I'm not dealing with a lot problems, mainly stress is a problem but i feel we all deal with that. 3.   How does being a CTR person help you to overcome any challenge you may face? Being a CTR person help you make the best decisions even when you are not in your right mind. 4.   How can you help other teens to overcome their challenges? I can help by supporting others instead of bringing them down, and also standing up for people when they need help.   Reflection:  What do you think is the greatest need that teens have today? Teens want to fit in, most of them do. They want to seem normal and be someone they are not.

"Being a c-t-r person isn't always right, but it's the best person you can be."- Diana Beltran

This quote means that being a ctr person isn't always the #1 choice because it seems hard, but it is the best person you can be. Most people don't the right because it seems to hard and the others aren't doing it. Although it seems hard doesn't mean it's impossible, you can be a ctr. Being a ctr person is very important because it has to do with good character.But sometimes people don't care and they choose the wrong. It seems easier so that's why most people do it. Some people are too lazy to do it but they don't see the benefit. People need to see that being a ctr person can and will help you later on in life. Being a ctr might no be super simple but it is the right thing to do. You have to be a ctr person because it will help you out.

"In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing." -Theodore Roosevelt

This quote is trying to say that doing the right should be the choice of every decision. Choosing the right will always benefit you, that's why you might as well choose it. If you choose the right, it will have a bad impact on you. Most people know the affects but still choose the wrong either way. But you have to be smart about what choice you choose. No matter how small or big the decisions they might be. Big or small they will have impact on you, you decide whether the impact is bad or good. Some decisions they aftermath will affect for a certain time or they might impact your life. I honestly try to make the decisions but of course no one is perfect and we always make that bad choice. You just have to try to make the right decision.

"Nothing is ever gained in doing what's wrong." -Wilford Woodruff

This quote means that doing wrong is something that won't benefit you. Doing the right will keep pushing you forward. If you do wrong you will get pushed back and when you learn your lesson you will be right where you started. You have to do the right because you want to keep on moving forward. Going back will only prevent you from your true potential. You have to do good because that will help you become a better person, and being a good person can affect what you do in the future. For example, if you get caught lying you don't gain anything, you only go back. It's like a board game, you want to keep going forward, but if you keep on going back you will lose the game. You wan to win the game, so that's why you have to keep on moving forward. Going back will only lead you to bad things.

Recreation Therapist

D uties and Responsibilities:  ~personal observation and talks with the patient and his or her loved ones. ~execute a therapeutic program targeted  toward what that patient requires most ~     document a patient's progress during their activities Salary: $45,890 Education: ~Bachelor's degree ~license ~ certification by the  National Council  Demand for this particular career: ~compassion ~leadership skills ~patience ~speaking skills

"It's A GREAT MOMENT when someone has character to step up and do the right thing at the right time." -Pam Knox

This quote is tellings us that you have great character when you choose to do the right and the right time.  Doing the right is great but doing at the perfect time is even better. An example of this is when you see someone in need of help and you help them straight away. If you were to wait and help, it wouldn't be the best you could do. You have to do the right without hesitating about it, it it's the right thing to do then do it. A good character is someone that chooses the right naturally. When you know it's good that's when you should act, because if you don't it might be too late to help. DOing the right should be natural and you shouldn't even know your doing it. Once you get to that point, you know you have a great character. Doing the right can be hard for some, but you just need practice on how to do it naturally.

Radiologic Technologist

Duties and Responsibilities:  ~Calculating bone densities using special radiologic equipment ~Guiding medical tools like a catheter by applying sophisticated imaging techniques ~Operating magnetic resonance equipment that apply magnetic fields in a patient’s body in order to create highly detailed images ~Administrating trace amounts of radiopharmaceuticals to gain helpful information about organs tissues and bones. Salary: $40K – $92K Education: ~ an associate's degree ~ certificate program if you have a bachelor's degree Demand for this particular career: ~ communication skills ~ Mechanical Aptitude   ~ Analytical  ~ High Energy  

Airplane Pilot

Duties and Responsibilities:  ~stay in touch with control tower ~must contain a professional image Salary:$137,330 Education: ~high school diploma or equivalent  ~commercial pilot's license Demand for this particular career ~Operation and Control ~Operation Monitoring ~ Active Listening   ~Critical Thinking ~Monitoring

“I have been asked what I mean by ‘word of honor.’ I will tell you. Place me behind prison walls–walls of stone ever so high, ever so thick, reaching ever so far into the ground–there is a possibility that in some way or another I may escape; but stand me on the floor and draw a chalk line around me and have me give my word of honor never to cross it. Can I get out of the circle? No. Never! I’d die first!” -Karl G. Maeser

This quote is saying that your word of honor should be your top priority. You should always keep your  word because it will only cause problems if you don't. For some people they have trouble trusting people and when you break your word, it can hurt them. Honor is something that everyone should have, because it is very important. In a job, relationship, school, etc, you need trust/honor or else it won't last. An example is when you have a job and say you will turn in something to your boss by a certain date, you have turn it in the date you said. If you don't turn it in you will get fired. Honor is something that should be pushed aside because you were too lazy. Keeping a promise is something that is very important and should be the number one priority. Breaking a promise is like breaking the other person's heart, you don't want to do that.

X-Ray Technician

Duties and Responsibilities:  ~Calculating bone densities using special x-ray equipment ~Guiding medical tools like a catheter by applying sophisticated imaging techniques ~Operating magnetic resonance equipment that apply magnetic fields in a patient’s body in order to create highly detailed images ~Administrating trace amounts of radiopharmaceuticals to gain helpful information about organs tissues and bones. Salary: $40K – $92K Education: ~ an associate's degree ~ certificate program if you have a bachelor's degree Demand for this particular career: ~ communication skills ~ Mechanical Aptitude   ~ Analytical  ~ High Energy  

10 Indian Commandements

1.Treat the Earth and all that dwell thereon with respect. 2.Remain close to the Great Spirit. 3. Show great respect for your fellow beings. 4. Work together for the benefit of humankind. 5.Give assistance and kindness wherever needed. 6.Do what you know to be right. 7.Look after the well-being of mind and body. 8.Dedicate a share of your efforts to the greater good. 9.Be truthful and honest at all times. 10.Take full responsibility for your actions. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ These commandments show what type of people the native-Americans were. They were kind, loyal and caring, they were good people. They practiced good morals and made sure that they were to follow rules that would make them good people. These commandments were very ethical and should be noted as great. Some people forget to practice their morals and end up doing bad things. They should practice these morals and they will be great people. People shouldn't br

Radiation Oncologist

Duties and Responsibilities:  ~ confirm cancer-related diagnosis ~ determine best therapy technique  ~ plan treatments with patients' parents/family ~ make sure the patient is okay Salary: $477,807 per year Education: ~ bachelor's degree ~ medical school{4 years} ~ a total of 10 years in school Demand for this particular career: ~ strong verbal and interpersonal communication skills ~ motivational  ~ strong physical stamina

"A promise must never be broken."- Alexander Hamilton

This quote is saying that promise should never be broken if you are honorable. If you want to be trustworthy you make to keep to your word. Even the little things like meeting someone after school, you have o be someone who will do it if you say it. Because if yo break a promise you are hurting someone whether it be the person you made the promise to or yourself. Always sticking to your word will help you get trust of others and knowing people can impact you. If you can or can't do something you have to be honest, its being a good person. You have to always do whats right and always tell the truth. And also sometimes you can promise something to yourself, those must never be broken either. Breaking a promise is like telling a lie, and telling a lie will become normal for you so you do it without even realizing it. Breaking a promise is like saying 'i can't do it because i don't care.' and no one wants to say that.

Pulmonary Medical Physician

Duties and Responsibilities:  Perform procedures to test and understand pulmonary function and the factors affecting it. The pulmonologist obtains test reports, conducts physical examination, diagnoses and treats the diseases of the respiratory tract. Recommend changes to diet, exercise, and home to reduce allergies, improve oxygenation and other concerns. Examine patients to diagnose and treat ailments and disorders relating to the lungs Salary: $145,521 – $368,993 per annum Education: Graduate from high school Complete a 4 years undergraduate degree program – Science field graduate will have more edge here, you should have taken, Maths, Physics, Chemistry and Biology during your undergraduate program or in a science related field. Take and pass the   MCAT exam –  The Medical College Admission Exam (MCAT) Enroll into an accredited medical college for a 4 year program – During this period you will take general medical courses in the first 2 years and the last 2 will be

“Goodness is the only investment that never fails.”- Henry David Thoreau

The quote tells us that goodness will never make you get arrested. Bad things only happen to the people who are doing bad. That’s why doing good is always the way to go, you can never get in trouble while doing good.  If someone goes to jail, they aren’t going because they were being nice. Going to jail means you did something wrong, you can prevent that by always doing good. I know if i try to always do good i will be ok, the reason i say ‘try’ is because everyone is human so you are bound to do wrong sometimes. And by ‘wrong’ i mean lie or cheat on a test or something, not kill/harm someone. Usually doing good can be hard since most people don’t do good 24/7, but just the little things can help.  People think being good is always doing good 24/7, but that’s not the truth, doing little things like making people smile/laugh can be labeled as doing good. Doing can be hard sometimes but in the end it’s the right choice.


Duties and Responsibilities: Conduct scientific studies of behavior and brain function Observe, interview, and survey individuals Identify psychological, emotional, behavioral, or organizational issues and diagnose disorders Research and identify behavioral or emotional patterns Test for patterns that will help them better understand and predict behavior Salary: $95,710 Education: ~doctoral degree ~license Demand for this particular career: Analytical skills Communication skills Integrity Patience Problem solving skills