"Being a c-t-r person isn't always right, but it's the best person you can be."- Diana Beltran

This quote means that being a ctr person isn't always the #1 choice because it seems hard, but it is the best person you can be. Most people don't the right because it seems to hard and the others aren't doing it. Although it seems hard doesn't mean it's impossible, you can be a ctr. Being a ctr person is very important because it has to do with good character.But sometimes people don't care and they choose the wrong. It seems easier so that's why most people do it. Some people are too lazy to do it but they don't see the benefit. People need to see that being a ctr person can and will help you later on in life. Being a ctr might no be super simple but it is the right thing to do. You have to be a ctr person because it will help you out.

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