Phillip Riggs' Four Success Tips

1.|Work Hard|

2.|Follow your passions.Do things you are interested in doing.|

3.|Don't chase after money.|

4.|Serve others.Do good things for others, and good things will some to you.|

These tips are suppose to help live a successful life. And i think he said the right things too, he talked about things that will make you a better person. An example of this is when your in school you work hard and you try to work toward something you know you want to do. Doing something you don't want to do is not okay. you have to work hard for what YOU want, not for what someone else wants. Because in the end your doing this thing not someone else. Another thing he said is don't chase money which is also true, because if your only doing something for money, it isn't going to last long. You have to do something that doesn't feel like a job, something that makes you happy. And also he said to do good things, which is very important too. You have to have good character to have a good life.

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