"A promise must never be broken."- Alexander Hamilton

This quote is saying that promise should never be broken if you are honorable. If you want to be trustworthy you make to keep to your word. Even the little things like meeting someone after school, you have o be someone who will do it if you say it. Because if yo break a promise you are hurting someone whether it be the person you made the promise to or yourself. Always sticking to your word will help you get trust of others and knowing people can impact you. If you can or can't do something you have to be honest, its being a good person. You have to always do whats right and always tell the truth. And also sometimes you can promise something to yourself, those must never be broken either. Breaking a promise is like telling a lie, and telling a lie will become normal for you so you do it without even realizing it. Breaking a promise is like saying 'i can't do it because i don't care.' and no one wants to say that.

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