8 Great Reasons to Tell The Truth- Barbara A. Lewis

8 Great Reasons to Tell The Truth
  1. Telling the truth lets everyone know what really happened. There's less chance of misunderstanding, confusion, or conflict.
  2. Telling the truth protects innocent people from being blamed or punished.
  3. Telling the truth allows everyone to learn from what happened.
  4. You usually get into less trouble for telling the truth other than for lying{and getting caught}.
  5. Other people trust you more when you tell the truth.
  6. You don't have to tell{and remember} more lies to keep your story straight.
  7. You gain a reputation for being truthful-a trait most people value
  8. Telling the truth helps you feel secure and peaceful inside.

These rules tell us why telling the truth is so important. These rules are really helpful to those who don't tell the truth often. These rules can show someone the great qualities of telling the truth. One big one is that it prevents conflict, conflict can affect you, especially if you began the conflict. Telling the truth overall can prevent hurt/pain. Because the truth can hurt for a little bit, but a lie will hurt forever. Telling the truth is more than just not lying, it's truth telling,speaking, living and loving.  The truth is easy if you practice it all the time. Lying can hurt you for the rest of your life, like going to jail. You can prevent that by telling the truth 24/7.

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