"It's better to be alone than to be in bad company" -Unknown

"It's better to be alone than to be in bad company" -Unknown


This quote means that friends are a big part in where you will head
in life. That's why you have to choose you friends wisely. I think 
nowadays people can tell when their friendship isn't good, but they 
still continue to be friends. Your friends are people who like you 
for who you are, not because of your/their reputation. Your friends 
will most likely act the same as you. For example, if you guys have 
the same desires like wanting to graduate, you know that your 
hanging out with the right person. Luckily i have met my friends in 
elementary, we have similar interest like music. I know they are my 
friends because they like me for who i am. Even my parents say that 
they would stick around me for a while, and they were right. My 
friends have practically became family to me, they are that close to
me. But sometimes you meet people who you know that your friendship
won't last, but over time you will grow apart because that's life.


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