"Many think that the short term gain will be worth the long term pain, but it isn't. In addition, using steroids is cheating, and there is nothing worse in sports than a cheater. Don't do it."- George Mitchell

This quote means that cheating had a bigger negative impact than a positive impact. An example is that if you cheat on a test the gain is that you got s good grade, but once they find out you cheated you will have long term pain. Cheating isn't worth it if you are just going to get hurt in the end, so why do it. You will pay the price, wither if they find out of some other way, you will end up having long term pain. Using steroids will make you perform better, but that sweetness will turn into bitterness once they find out or you end up confessing. That's why it better not to cheat at all so you won't have that pain. If you fail a test, then that's on you, but if you cheat your only making it unfair to those that did study. You have to work hard and show that you can do it without any help. You rather get a B on that test dishonestly than an A dishonestly. So you don't have the long term pain and don't cheat.

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