"I trust that my hard work will pay off."- Tyler Haws

This quote means that working hard will pay off. If you aren't lazy and you always work hard there will be something you get in return. An example of this is Tyler Haws, he worked hard every day and he got got the pay off. It might seem like there will be nothing to come and you are doing it for nothing, but you will get the reward. You can't be lazy, you have to work hard to get what you want, you won't get anything by just standing there. You have to to work hard for yourself not because someone told you too. And don't do it just for the reward, the reward is nice but it's the main reason you are doing it. I'm the type of person who works hard because i need to get better. SElf-improvement is very important to me. That's why you always have to work hard.

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