"Right is right only when entire."- Victor Hugo

This quote means that right is when you don't cheat, not even a little bit. An example is if you are taking a test and you look at someone else's paper to get an answer for one, it is still considered cheating. Once you cheat just for one question it is the same as cheating the whole test. That's why you have to do everything truthfully or its the same as doing the wrong/lying. You have to do it all the best you can because the second you cheat you have just cheated you whole test. And soon cheating for one answer turns into cheating the whole test. Same as drinking, a little bit can turn into a lot if you are not careful. So you might as well not start it if it won't end up well for you, because one little "i just want to try it" can turn into n addiction in a second. That's why you have to work hard so you don't end up doing the wrong. So don't start what you will regret.
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