President's Day

1. What is Presidents Day?
  President's day is to recognize of George Washington, Abraham Lincoln and other figures.

2. When is it?
   Monday,February 19

3. What are several ways to show honor and respect on Presidents Day?
  Presidents’ Day is used by many patriotic and historical groups as a date for staging celebrations, reenactments and other events. A number of states also require that their public schools spend the days leading up to Presidents’ Day teaching students about the accomplishments of the presidents, often with a focus on the lives of Washington and Lincoln.

4. How can YOU show honor and respect on President’s Day?
  I can honor my president by reading about them and what they did and thanking them.

5. Insert a few pictures about Presidents Day
Image result for presidents day

6. Include anything else of interest pertaining to Presidents Day 

President's day was originally on the 22nd


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