"Enthusiasm makes the difference"- Dr. Norman Vincent Peale

This quote means that putting a little spring in your step can go the long way. When you are happy all the time you tend to look at life in a good way people might want to hang out with you. But if you are always sad you think life is a bad thing and not many people might nor hang out with you. You don't have to be super happy, but if have a little enthusiasm it can change your world. I am always happy, at least i try to be, because i know my enthusiasm can make people smile. Making other people smile is something i like to do, because i know a smile can make a difference. If you look at life and don't do anything your life will past by fast that your realize it's too late. If you look at life in a good way life will be good, but if you look at life in a bay way life will be bad. It's your decision to chose who your are going to be. Are you going to be an Eor or a Tigger.
Image result for enthusiasmImage result for Eor and tigger 


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