"When you Tell One Lie, it leads to Another."- Paul Hatch

This quote means that lying most likely lead to a bunch of lies. For example, lets says you lie trying not to get caught, your lies with pile up and soon you will get caught. Its like a domino affect onces one is pushed the rest are coming down, if you lie once more lies will come with it. And soon you will get caught, so the lies will have been useless. Another example is when you get caught doing something bad, you will try to cover yourself, and soon you have a bunch of lies. And soon you will be constantly worried you will get caught, also you might lie so much that you lie without even trying. You won't be able to sleep without being stressed, and soon you will get caught either way. That's why people say not to lie to begin with, so you won't be so stressed. It could affect you so much that you end up confessing. That is why you shouldn't lie to begin with, so you won't get caught in a lie.

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