Thanksgiving Week

         A bunch of my family came over to my house to celebrate, since my mom was the one hosting the party. Before that i had been to the park to play volleyball with my family and some of my mom's friends.  I had since my cousin also went so i wasn't the only one that was new at playing volleyball. And most of the adults played volleyball in high school so they were good.I also went to Little Tokyo and it was fun, i got all of posters for my room. I had fun with my family overall, i wished the week would have been longer. I didn't do much, i just rested most of the time, my parents also rested too. I practiced my music for my saxophone, since we are going to start doing parades. Also we have a competition on Saturday, so i had to practice for that too. I read my book for the assignment, and i just need to finish my letter which i am almost done with. I also went on an a little hike with my family, it was really nice. Overall i had fun during my thanksgiving weekend.
Image result for volleyballImage result for thanksgiving


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