"Always do right" - Mark Twain

              👍😄                                                            👎😭
  This quote means that you shouldn't do wrong or else one day you might get caught. If you always do the right you can get caught and you won't feel bad. An example of this is if you get caught stealing yo will probably end up in jail, but if you do bad nothing will happen to you. If do nothing wrong nothing bad will happen to you. You might even get something in return, like if  you stop someone from stealing, you might a chance to share your story online. But either way if you do good you will fell good. Doing bad might get your whole future ruined, so there is no point in testing it. Doing good will always benefit you in so many ways, while doing bad will turn against you. I prefer to do good because i know that is how i reach my dream. And i don't want to see what happens when i do bad.
 Image result for doing good


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